Wellness Resources
NYC Teenspace provides teens ages 13-17 access to a Talkspace Therapist, mental health resources and more at no cost:
Crisis Social Worker: Debbie King-Hardaway- dking30@schools.nyc.gov: (718) 843-2260 ext. 3160
NYC WELL: https://nycwell.cityofnewyork.us/en/
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Call or Text 988
Crisis Text Line: https://www.crisistextline.org/
Queens Food Pantries: https://www.freefood.org/c/ny-queens
Human Resources Administration(SNAP benefits, Medicaid benefits, Benefits Access Centers): https://www.nyc.gov/site/hra/locations/job-locations-and-service-centers.page
Free Clothing Banks: https://freefinancialhelp.net/free-clothes-closets-new-york/